Monday 19 November 2012

8. In some films, the characters have very clear roles to play and are easy for audiences to identify. List 5 characters 'types' you are familiar with from film and describe sample actions in a film for the characters 'types'.

Firstly, I picked Harrison Ford in his film Indiana Jones.  His whip, hat, gun, satchel and brown jacket resemble his character appearance as Indiana Jones.  His sense of humor, deep knowledge of many ancient civilizations and languages, and fear of snakes make what we know best Indiana Jones.

Secondly, I chose Don Vito Corleone portrayed by Marlon Brando in The God Father movie.  The Godfather is widely regarded as one of the greatest gangster genre of all time.  Marlon Brando voice, appearance, over weight with jowls appearing in what is often classified as the mafia boss.  His calmness and patient resemble part of mafia boss character.  Vito Corleone listed as the greatest movie character in history and ranked 10th greatest movie character by Empire Magazine.

Thirdly, the T-800 Terminator portrayed by Arnold Schwarznegger marked my choice.  The appealing characters are daunting, cool and careless as being a machine that covered with flesh.  His word "I'll be back" becomes the mark for the later appearance of Arnold in the next Terminator sequence.  Big guns and masculine resemble the character strength and robotic energetic element.

John Rambo portrayed by Sylvester Stallone in the First Blood aka Rambo (1982) marked my forth picked of the day.  The character resembles a hero born out of the Vietnam war.  Rambo good with traps and weapons, mostly shirtless to portray power and strength.  The red bandana has become a trademark in the Rambo sequence movie.  The movie has high death counts (except the first sequence).

Thomas A. Anderson "Neo" portrayed by Keanu Reeves in The Matrix (1999) gave my last piece of character choice.  Neo character as someone who has the ability to dodge and stop bullets.  His trenchcoat and sunglasses marked an icon of the character being cool, smart, challenging, determine, and focus.

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